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Advised to have surgery, diagnostic testing other than routine, treatment or other procedure which has not been done+

CFG Safe Shield

heart catheterization or biopsy needs to postpone until results are received

Forester Strong Foundation

Call Underwriting

Call Underwriting

MOO Term Life Express

12 mo, also in past 5 yrs consulted with Dr or hospitalized or treated for any other health condition other than routine physical checkups, eye, employment or FAA exams = contact an underwriter

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

past 12 mo

Decline If
alcohol treatment or advised to limit or discontinue use+

CFG Safe Shield

In past 5 years or relapse

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

In past 5 years

Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

In past 10 years

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

less than 5 yrs from end of use/treatment

Decline If
Alzheimer's, dementia+

CFG Safe Shield


Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation


Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

EVER also mental incapacity

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express


Decline If

CFG Safe Shield

Due to diabetes is a decline. Permanent use of walker, wheelchair, scooter is decline. Otherwise, OK

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

Caused by disease

Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

Caused by disease

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

Caused by disease

Decline If

CFG Safe Shield

10 yrs for heart aneurysm

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation


Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

EVER, cerebral, aortic or thoracic

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express


Decline If
Applied for/received disability, hospital or medical benefits from any ins co, gov, employer or other source+

CFG Safe Shield



Forester Strong Foundation

for disibility, call underwriting

Call underwriting

MOO Term Life Express

12 mo, except maternity, fractures, spinal or back disorders

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

past 3 yrs, unable to work at regular job for more than 30 consecutive days due to disability or currently unable to work

Call underwriting
Assistance with ADLs (bathing, dressing, eating, toileting, getting in & out of chair/bed, management of bowel/bladder problems+

CFG Safe Shield



Forester Strong Foundation


Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

12 months

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express


Decline If
Bipolar depression, schizophrenia+

CFG Safe Shield

Past 10 years for bipolar, Down’s syndrome, mental retardation or schizophrenia. 3 yrs for moderate to severe depression

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation


Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

EVER also mental incapacity

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

Bipolar – if taking 3+ medications or hospitalization in past 2 yrs is decline. Schizophrenia is always a decline.

Decline If
Cancer, leukemia, melanoma or any other internal cancer+

CFG Safe Shield

Ever for Hodgkins, leukemia, liver or pancreatic, lymphomas, multiple myeloma, liver or lung. All others if less than 5 yrs since treatment. If the cancer has spread to the regional lymph nodes or adjacent structure or if there is any metastasis = decline. All cancers stages 2, 3 or 4 is a decline. Although Carcinoma in situ and cancer that is confined to the tissue or organ of origin can be considered after 5 years since diagnosis or treatment , medical records may be needed to make the determination if the risk is an acceptable risk

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

If treatment is over 10 yrs with no recurrence or recommended treatment, call underwriting. All other cancer including Hodgkins is declined (except basal cell skin)

Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

EVER, except basal cell or squamous cell skin cancer

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

If diagnosis & end of treatment is over 5 yrs ago it’s OK. Otherwise, decline. Leukemia, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma & multiple myeloma is always decline.

Decline If
Carotid artery surgery, lap band surgery, gastric bypass+

CFG Safe Shield



Forester Strong Foundation

Artery blockage is a decline. Gastric bypass is OK after 1 yr with weight stabalized

MOO Term Life Express

Gastric bypass after 1 yr is OK, any gastrointestinal bleeding in past 12 mo is decline.


Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

Carotid disease is possibly accept, call underwriting. Gastric bypass with surgery >6 mo ago without complications is usually OK (rate for build). Doesn’t specifically mention lap band surgery.

Decline If or Call underwriting
Cerebral palsy+

CFG Safe Shield

Ever for diseases of brain

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation


Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

Severe is decline. Mild/moderate is OK

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express


Decline If
check height/weight chart+

CFG Safe Shield

If outside height and weight cart (see underwriting guide)

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

If outside height and weight cart (see underwriting guide)

Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

If outside height and weight cart (see underwriting guide)

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

If outside height and weight cart (see underwriting guide)

Decline If
Chronic kidney disease, end-stage renal disease with dialysis+

CFG Safe Shield


Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation


Decline If

MOO Term Life Express


Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

EVER also renal transplant/failure & chronic glomerulonephritis.

Decline If
Chronic lung disease, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, sarcoidosis or cystic fibrosis+

CFG Safe Shield

Ever for moderate/severe asthma if smoker or with complications, emphysema & COPD if moderate/severe or if a smoker or with complications. 10 yrs for sarcoidosis. Ever for any degenerative muscle & nerve disease/disorder

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

also moderate asthma if not 50 lb lighter than build chart & severe asthma. Acute bronchitis is OK. Sarcoidosis is pulmonary only.

Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

EVER (except mild asthma) also COPD

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

EVER for pulmonary fibrosis/hypertension & bronchiectasis. Pulmonary embolism two or fewer episodes fully recovered is OK. Bronchitis OK. Mild sarcoidosis (stage 0-1, asymptomatic) is OK. COPD & emphysema is decline if on oxygen treatment or oral steroids or tobacco use in past 12 mo, otherwise possibly OK – call underwriting. Asthma is decline if hospitalized 10+ days in past yr.

Decline If
consulted Dr for chronic cough, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, gastrointestinal bleeding+

CFG Safe Shield



Forester Strong Foundation

for chronic cough, call underwriting. If associated with COPD = decline.

Decline If or Call underwriting

MOO Term Life Express

12 mo (unexplained weight loss has to be greater than 10 lbs & not due to diet/exercise)

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

past 5 yrs for gastrointestinal disease only

Call Underwriting
Convicted of DUI drugs or alcohol, reckless driving+

CFG Safe Shield

if over 3 years since one & only DUI = OK. Otherwise, decli

OK or Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

Single DUI within 12 mo or 2 DUI within 5 yrs is a decline. Also, more than 2 DUI, call underwriting.

Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

past 5 years, also 4 or more moving violations

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

past 2 years, also license suspended or revoked, pled guilty or convicted of more than 2 moving violations

Decline If
convicted or incarcerated for felony+

CFG Safe Shield

in past 3 yrs for probation, parole, arrest, convicted, pled guilty to any crime or possession or distribution of drugs/illegal substances

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

if jail time has been served, will consider 5 yrs after parole

Call underwriting

MOO Term Life Express

in past 10 years, convicted of or currently awaiting trial for a felony

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

currently incarcerated, on parole or probation & in past 5 years convicted or pled guilty of a felony

Decline If
Coronary artery disease, heart attack, bypass surgery, angioplasty, stent+

CFG Safe Shield

10 yrs, also aneurysm, angina, arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, congenital, congestive heart failure, valve repl, valve disorder, pacemaker or defibrillator

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

EVER, also angina, aortic insufficiency & stenosis, arrhythmia, blockage, pacemaker, congestive heart failure, murmur

Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

EVER, also valvular heart disease with repair or replacement, cardiomyopathy, congenital heart disease/failure, abnormal heart rhythm, pacemaker

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

EVER, also angina pectoris, aortic aneurysm, murmurs/insufficiency, pacemaker, cardiomyopathy, chest pain, congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction, bundle branch block (LBBB), defibrillator, pulmonary hypertension/fibrosis, valve replacement. Atrial fibrillation if diagnosed over 2 yrs, without current treatment & current age 50+ is OK, otherwise is decline.

Call Underwriting
Currently confined to hospital or medical facility+

CFG Safe Shield

currently, also bedridden

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

If in past 5 years call underwriting, otherwise OK

OK or Call underwriting

MOO Term Life Express

last 12 months

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

currently, also assisted living, home health care, hospice, nursing home

Decline If

CFG Safe Shield

Insulin (type I) – all under age 50, ages 51 to 59 with duration 6+ yrs, ages 60 to 69 with duration 25+ yrs, any complications: circulation, eye, kidney, insulin shock, coma, leg ulcers, amputation, poor control, smokers, combo of diabetes with coronary artery disease or ratable build. Type II – all under age 30, ages 31-39 with duration 6+ yrs, ages 40-49 with duration 16+ yrs, any complications as already listed, smokers in combo with diabetes ages 50 & under

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

At any age insulin, poor control, complications w/heart, kidney, vascular, neuro is a decline. Otherwise, check Foresters underwriting guidelines & diabetes build chart

OK or Call underwriting

MOO Term Life Express

Under age 50 is automatic decline. Above age 50 with table 2 or higher build, tobacco or peripheral vascular disease (PVD) is decline. All others should contact underwriting.

Decline If or Call underwriting

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

cUnder age 30 is decline. Decline if in past 2 yrs diagnosed/treated/meds for insulin shock, coma, amputation, eye or kidney problems due to complications from diabetes. Gestational diabetes is OK if fully recovered, no treatment. All others call underwriting.

Decline If
Diseases of brain, peripheral arteries+

CFG Safe Shield


Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

Ever for Alzheimer’s, dementia

Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

Ever for bipolar, depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, dementia, mental incapacity

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

Peripheral vascular disease with tobacco use, surgically corrected, more than 1 limb

Decline If
Epilepsy, seizures+

CFG Safe Shield

Past year

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

in past 2 yrs is decline, after 2 yrs if controlled on meds, no complications is OK

Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

Ever for bipolar, depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, dementia, mental incapacity

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

Decline only if severe and frequent grand mal seizures. Otherwise, OK.

Decline If

CFG Safe Shield

EVER, also ARC

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation


Decline If

MOO Term Life Express


Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express


Decline If
hospitalized for high Blood Pressuer+

CFG Safe Shield



Forester Strong Foundation

Call undewriting

Call underwriting

MOO Term Life Express

past 10 years

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

Call underwriting

Call underwriting
hospitalized for mental/nervous disorder+

CFG Safe Shield

ever for any disease of brain. Psychiatric disorders in past 10 yrs.

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

If in past 5 years call underwriting, otherwise OK

Call underwriting or OK

MOO Term Life Express

Past 10 years

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

taking 3+ medications or hospitalized in past 2 years. Severe PTSD is decline.

Decline If
Immune system or connective tissue disease/disorder+

CFG Safe Shield


Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation



MOO Term Life Express



Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

usually a decline

Decline If
Liver disease, cirrhosis, Hepatitus B or C+

CFG Safe Shield


Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation


Decline If

MOO Term Life Express


Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express


Decline If
motor sports racing, boat racing, parachuting/skydiving, hang gliding, base jumping rock/mtn climbing+

CFG Safe Shield



Forester Strong Foundation



MOO Term Life Express

in the next 2 years

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

past 2 yrs or in next 2 yrs also scuba diving, cave exploration, heli skiing, ultra light flying & boxing. Also, flown as a pilot, student pilot or crewmember.

Call underwriting
Organ transplant+

CFG Safe Shield

EVER, also bone marrow

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

usually a decline unless it has been several years ago, then call underwriting

Decline or Call underwriting

MOO Term Life Express


Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express


Decline If

CFG Safe Shield

EVER, also bone marrow

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

alcohol related or chronic (single attack, acute > 1yr ago, non alcohol related, no complications are OK)

Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

chronic only

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

single episode, fully recovered, no evidence of alcohol abuse is OK. Otherwise is decline.

Decline If
Parkinson's, Demyelinating disease, multiple sclerosis, Huntington's Hydrocephalus, Downs, Autism or any other disease of the central nervous system+

CFG Safe Shield

EVER for Parkinsons, degenerative muscle or nerve disorder. Multiple sclerosis, Downs, mental retardation in past 10 yrs diagnosis/follow up, progressive or relapsing, (doesn’t mention autism)

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

EVER, also muscular dystrophy (doesn’t mention autism or Huntington’s)

Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

EVER also Lou Gehrig’s (ALS), muscular dystrophy

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

Parkinsons is a decline. MS under age 45 decline. MS age 45+ is possible accept, call underwriting. Autism highly functioning & living independently is OK. ALS is a decline. Nervous disorders if taking 3+ meds or hospitalization in past 2 yrs is decline.

Decline If
physical, occupational or speech therapy+

CFG Safe Shield



Forester Strong Foundation



MOO Term Life Express

12 Months

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express


PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)+

CFG Safe Shield

Call underwriting

Call Underwriting

Forester Strong Foundation

Call Underwriting

Call underwrting

MOO Term Life Express

single episode & mild is OK, otherwise call underwriting

Call underwriting

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

mild-moderate is OK, severe is decline

OK or Decline If
Quadriplegia, paraplegia+

CFG Safe Shield


Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation


Decline If

MOO Term Life Express


Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express


Decline If
Received or advised to receive care in nursing home, assisted living, adult day care, home health+

CFG Safe Shield



Forester Strong Foundation



MOO Term Life Express

12 Months

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express


Decline If
Rheumatoid arthritis+

CFG Safe Shield

if severe & required follow up

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

moderate/severe, RX include Humira, Embrel, Prednisone. Mild with no limitations is OK.

Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

Moderate/severe treated with Humira, Embrel or Methotrexate

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

treated with Enbrel, Remicade or Humira. Osteoporosis under age 45 & 2+ bone fractures and/or falls is decline.

Decline If
sickle cell anemia+

CFG Safe Shield


Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

Call Underwriting

Call underwriting

MOO Term Life Express


Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express


Decline If

CFG Safe Shield

in past year, ever if under age 40 when occurred, ever for all ages with moderate/severe residuals, also 10 yrs for heart aneurysm

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation


Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

EVER, also ministroke, cerebral or symptomatic aneurysm, TIA

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express


Decline If
Systemic lupus or scleroderma+

CFG Safe Shield

Systemic lupus if less than 5 yrs with meds is a decline. Scleroderma is connective tissue disease & automatic decline.

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

EVER for lupus (doesn’t specifically mention scleroderma)

Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

EVER for lupus is a decline, scleroderma localized is OK

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

EVER for erythematosus lupus (SLE). Lupus (discoid) is OK. Doesn’t specifically mention scleroderma.

Decline If
Ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease+

CFG Safe Shield

Moderate/severe colitis, Crohn’s if less than 3 yrs since last flare up

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

colitis is decline, Crohn’s is accept if >5 yrs in remission

Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

colitis if 1 yr since diagnosis or major attack, over age 20, call underwriting. Crohn’s call underwriting.

Call underwriting

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

Hospitalization or complications within the past yr is decline. Mild/moderate is OK

Decline If
used oxygen or catheter+

CFG Safe Shield

EVER, permanent usage

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation


Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

12 mo, also cathete

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

currently using oxygen. Also sleep apnea is a possible accept, call underwriting.

Decline If
used unlawful drugs or prescription drugs other than as prescribed+

CFG Safe Shield

In past 5 years used or treated for amphetamines,cocaine,narcotics,hallucinogens,barbiturates

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

Except for occasional social use of marijuana(smoker rates apply)

Decline If

MOO Term Life Express

Past 10 year, also convicted of possession of drugs

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

If less than 5 years from end of use or treatment

Decline If
used walker, wheelchair, electric scooter+

CFG Safe Shield

EVER, permanent usage

Decline If

Forester Strong Foundation

Call underwriting

Call underwriting

MOO Term Life Express

12 months

Decline If

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express

Used wheelchair due to chronic illness ore disease

Decline If